Health Ministry Highlights
* Participating in the Healthy Blood Pressure through Faith and a Healthy Lifestyle Project
* Offers exercise classes/programs
* Provides health information to the congregation (PowerPoints, inserts in bulletins, handouts, etc.)
* Offers health education workshops/classes on various topics
+ Annual congregational health walk for full month of June. Afterwards members continue walking at various sites across the city throughout the Spring/Summer.
+ Every month Medical Moments, presentations, skits, on various topics such as prevention of diabetes, hypertension, and cancer; healthy lifestyles, including eating healthy, hazards of immobility/increasing physical activity, importance of knowing your numbers including normal labs, medication alerts, partnering with health providers, physical, emotional and spiritual health.
+ Divine Line Dancing on Thursdays, Bowling on 2nd Fridays, and Movie nights on 3rd Fridays-every month. All gatherings present a time of wonderful fellowship, socializing, and laughter and are great stress relievers that speak to emotional health.
+ Since 2006 have sponsored healthy life-style programs, such as: free healthy breakfasts served by health ministry members, soup samplings in the fall, and highlighting tasty meatless/vegetable ingredients; health fairs and screenings focusing on oral health for children, vision and hearing screenings and other health promotion informational sessions; and much, much more!