Health Ministry Highlights
* Offered the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP)
* Participated in the Healthy Blood Pressure through Faith and a Healthy Lifestyle Project for two years
* Offers exercise classes/program
* Offers health education workshops/classes on various topics
* Provides monthly Health Minute and Newsletter to the congregation
+ Received $21,000 from Greater Rochester Health Foundation in 2015 to redevelop church space into a Health Fitness Center, expanding fitness classes from once to three times a week.
+ Offered a 6-week nutritional class in collaboration with Cornell Cooperative Connection
+ Partnered bi-yearly with other churches in an annual diversity blood drive
+ Hosted an Emergency Citizen Preparedness course
+ Planted a community garden in partnership with our Children’s Ministry
+ Offered a healthy weight loss support group
+ Offered monthly Blood Pressure screening and monitoring
+ Our Pastors wholeheartedly support the health ministry initiatives through teachings and within the culture of the ministry.